McElhinny's Center Stage
Sunday, October 24, 2021
I Do Not Have the Words
Last Thursday my students were leaving the classroom to line up in the hallway for bus dismissal. A boy went behind me and his rolling book...
Friday, September 24, 2021
Shazam! If You Move It They Will Come
As a teacher you have a superpower! Your power of suggestion can influence learners. If I take a book and simply move it to a table somewhe...
Sunday, September 5, 2021
How Many Books Do You Have?!
There are two reasons I spend a lot of time organizing my library each school year. 1. I love books. 2. I teach Literacy. I stay current wi...
Ease is the Word
Ease of use is one of my top priorities when creating new activities. They need to be easy to store, easy to use, and easy to adapt. I too...
Indoor Recess Conundrum
A rainy day that causes indoor recess also forces teachers to make a decision. The children usually just want to go on their Chromebooks or...
Student Ownership
In a previous post, On Purpose , I explained how our classroom works as a community. This week our Kindness Captain (another blog post) cr...
Sticker Madness
Staying current on popular trends with students is important to help develop relationships. I talk about the latest video games, play the l...
Sunday, August 29, 2021
I Am
Yoga has taught me many lessons about myself, but most of them begin with "I am." I am strong. I am loved. I am enough. When I...
Playdough and Tell
This is my favorite back-to-school getting-to-know-you activity. It is creative and active. It is detailed or abstract. It is a positive ...
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